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Grey leather journal with gold and black tooled decoration, Royal Mirage

€380.00 EUR

This is a large blank book bound in grey leather with antique finish. The decoration was made with black tooled lines and gold tooled floral ornaments at the corners of the panels,  the center being filled with a golden diamond shaped pattern painted with leather dyes. It was finished with patina to look like an old tome from a royal library.

The book measures 7.5 x 8.3 inches (18.5 x 26 cm). It has 126 pages (252 sides) of Favini Prisma, ivory color, blank, 160 g/m². The paper is hand torn and works for any media including watercolor. It is acid free and does not bleed through.

The endpapers are made of hand marbled paper, black with gold veins. The headbands are hand-sewn from black and gold thread.

I hope it will make a beautiful addition to your library!

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